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What's Your Money Personality
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Here are the four personality types.
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Maverick | Spender
Maverick | Saver
Planner | Spender
Planner | Saver
Maverick |Sp ender

Maverick | Spenders are spontaneous and easygoing. Their number one goal in life is to enjoy the present and help others do the same. They’ll give the shirt off their backs, but often they don’t have much to give. They resist structure because, in their mind, budgets and schedules prevent them from enjoying the moment. They don’t really like to think about money, but they seem to face it every time money is the reason they have to say “No” to something they want to do. They tend to be oblivious to risk. They generally make investment decisions based on emotions displayed by others. They like to say, "Yes", but they usually don't have money to invest.

  • Easy going, forgiving, and tolerant.
  • Spontaneous and fun.
  • Relationship orientated.
  • Great friend.
  • Driven by rewards.
  • Know how to enjoy the present.

Qube Helps
Qube will help you organize and spend your money with intention without cramping your love for making decisions on the fly. It will also help you automatically save money for the future, so you can enjoy more money for what matters and a deeper sense of self-confidence. 
Maverick | Spender Podcast

Maverick | Spender Article

  • Unorganized, impulsive, and unproductive.
  • Struggle to stick to a plan.
  • Struggle paycheck-to-paycheck.
  • Never enough money.
  • Likely to carry a lot of debt.
  • Don't like to face reality.
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Here are the four personality types.
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Maverick | Spender
Maverick | Saver
Planner | Spender
Planner | Saver
Maverick |Sp ender

Maverick | Spenders are spontaneous and easygoing. Their number one goal in life is to enjoy the present and help others do the same. They’ll give the shirt off their backs, but often they don’t have much to give. They resist structure because, in their mind, budgets and schedules prevent them from enjoying the moment. They don’t really like to think about money, but they seem to face it every time money is the reason they have to say “No” to something they want to do. They tend to be oblivious to risk. They generally make investment decisions based on emotions displayed by others. They like to say, "Yes", but they usually don't have money to invest.

Easy-going, forgiving, and tolerant.
Spontaneous and fun.
Relationship orientated.
Great friend.
Driven by rewards.
Know how to enjoy the present.

Unorganized, impulsive, and unproductive.
Struggle to stick to a plan.
Struggle paycheck-to-paycheck.
Never enough money.
Likely to carry a lot of debt.
Don't like to face reality.

Qube Helps
Qube will help you organize and spend your money with intention without cramping your love for making decisions on the fly. It will also help you automatically save money for the future, so you can enjoy more money for what matters and a deeper sense of self-confidence. 
Maverick | Spender Podcast

Maverick | Spender Article
Maverick | Saver

Maverick | Savers are natural leaders. Their goal in life is to make a difference in the world. They enjoy influencing people to accomplish something even if it is just to get a good deal on something they're buying. They follow plans in their head. They don't like spending money. So, they avoid shopping and save a lot of money. Maverick Spenders enjoy studying business and personal development books. They generally have a high-risk tolerance, and they like to invest their money in building their own businesses.

  • Leader, motivated, and courageous.
  • Optimistic, confident, and thrifty.
  • People magnet.
  • An eye for a deal and master negotiator.
  • Healthy bank account.
  • Debt free.
  • Great entrepreneur.

Qube Helps
Qube makes it easy to organize your money and follow a plan. This visibility will increase transparency and conversation around money with those closest to you. You'll love how your credibility, respect, and trust as a leader soars. 
Maverick | Saver Podcast

Maverick | Saver Article

  • Cheapskate, loud, and moody.
  • Stretch the truth to get what they want.
  • Manipulative and strong-willed and believe their plan is the best.
  • Plan tends to be in their head.
  • Can tend to take advantage of others.
  • Not generous.
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Maverick | Saver

Maverick | Savers are natural leaders. Their goal in life is to make a difference in the world. They enjoy influencing people to accomplish something even if it is just to get a good deal on something they're buying. They follow plans in their head. They don't like spending money. So, they avoid shopping and save a lot of money. Maverick Spenders enjoy studying business and personal development books. They generally have a high-risk tolerance, and they like to invest their money in building their own businesses.

Leader, motivated, and courageous.
Optimistic, confident, and thrifty.
People magnet.
An eye for a deal and master negotiator.
Healthy bank account.
Debt free.
Great entrepreneur.

Cheapskate, loud, and moody.
Stretch the truth to get what they want.
Manipulative and strong-willed and believe their plan is the best.
Plan tends to be in their head.
Can tend to take advantage of others.
Not generous.

Qube Helps
Qube makes it easy to organize your money and follow a plan. This visibility will increase transparency and conversation around money with those closest to you. You'll love how your credibility, respect, and trust as a leader soars. 
Maverick | Saver Podcast

Maverick | Saver Article
Planner | Spender

Planner | Spenders love quality products. One of their major goals in life is to achieve their desired lifestyle. So, naturally they enjoy planning and researching their upgrade, care purchase, vacation to Europe...Budgets are calendars are important to them because they like to look and feel in control. They enjoy learning about the latest trends and fashions. They generally have a moderate-risk tolerance, and they prefer to pay a professional to manage their money.  

  • Organized, predictable, and generous.
  • Track their money.
  • Enjoy a nice lifestyle.
  • Considers both short and long term goals.
  • Save every month.
  • Financial organizations is strength in close relationship.

Qube Helps
You'll love how easy Qube Money makes it to prioritize your money and track your progress. You'll also geek out over the financial boundaries Qube allows you to create giving you a more awareness and better decision making, so you can balance lifestyle spending and retirement savings. 
Planner | Spender Podcast

Planner | Spender Article

  • Perfectionist, self-absorbed, and picky.
  • Never satisfied, always looking for newer and better.
  • Fixated on trying to keep an impressive financial status.
  • Spend money in big chunks.
  • Look great from the outside, but experiencing financial stress.
  • Perfectionism, and financial stress can be hard on close relationships.
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Planner | Spender

Planner | Spenders love quality products. One of their major goals in life is to achieve their desired lifestyle. So, naturally they enjoy planning and researching their upgrade, care purchase, vacation to Europe...Budgets are calendars are important to them because they like to look and feel in control. They enjoy learning about the latest trends and fashions. They generally have a moderate-risk tolerance, and they prefer to pay a professional to manage their money.  

Organized, predictable, and generous.
Track their money.
Enjoy a nice lifestyle.
Considers both short and long term goals.
Save every month.
Financial organizations is strength in close relationship. 

Perfectionist, self-absorbed, and picky.
Never satisfied, always looking for newer and better.
Fixated on trying to keep an impressive financial status.
Spend money in big chunks.
Look great from the outside, but experiencing financial stress.
Perfectionism, and financial stress can be hard on close relationships.

Qube Helps
You'll love how easy Qube Money makes it to prioritize your money and track your progress. You'll also geek out over the financial boundaries Qube allows you to create giving you a more awareness and better decision making, so you can balance lifestyle spending and retirement savings. 
Planner | Spender Podcast

Planner | Spender Article
Planner | Saver

Planner | Savers love structure and numbers. One of their major focuses in life is financial stability and retirement. They find a lot of happiness from seeing their net worth grow. So, naturally they enjoy following a well thought out plan and measuring their progress. They get a thrill from finding ways to save more money and grow their net worth faster They enjoy learning about money and finance from credible sources. They generally have a low-risk tolerance, and they like to manage their money themselves.

  • Organized, reliable, and self-reliant.
  • Follow a budget.
  • Debt free.
  • Prepared for financial surprises.
  • On track to achieve financial goals.
  • Close relations feel confident in their financial well-being.

Qube Helps
Qube will make it easier to follow a budget an track your goals. But most importantly, Qube will help you organize your money in a way that aligns with what's important to you, so spending becomes joyful. Say "Good bye" to the regret of missed opportunities to enjoy "Today"!
Planner | Saver Podcast

Planner | Saver Article

  • Controlling, stingy, and cheap.
  • Impatient with other money personalities.
  • Obsessed with money and the cost of things.
  • Can struggle being generous with money.
  • Reluctant to spend money to enjoy the present.
  • Feelings of regret later in life for not enjoying life more.
  • Can trip over pennies and miss out on dollars.
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Planner | Saver

Planner | Savers love structure and numbers. One of their major focuses in life is financial stability and retirement. They find a lot of happiness from seeing their net worth grow. So, naturally they enjoy following a well thought out plan and measuring their progress. They get a thrill from finding ways to save more money and grow their net worth faster They enjoy learning about money and finance from credible sources. They generally have a low-risk tolerance, and they like to manage their money themselves.

Organized, reliable, and self-reliant.
Follow a budget.
Debt free.
Prepared for financial surprises.
On track to achieve financial goals.
Close relations feel confident in their financial well-being.

Controlling, stingy, and cheap.
Impatient with other money personalities.
Obsessed with money and the cost of things.
Can struggle being generous with money.
Reluctant to spend money to enjoy the present.
Feelings of regret later in life for not enjoying life more.
Can trip over pennies and miss out on dollars.

Qube Helps
Qube will make it easier to follow a budget an track your goals. But most importantly, Qube will help you organize your money in a way that aligns with what's important to you, so spending becomes joyful. Say "Good bye" to the regret of missed opportunities to enjoy "Today"!
Planner | Saver Podcast

Planner | Saver Article